CASE # D-043-96


The above image is an early rendering in Case # D043-96. Using the three detailed photographs, (a profile, 3/4, and frontal view), I carefully examine the contour and shapes that would create an effect upon the skin surface. There is no dobt that tisue markers can lead to effective interpretations of over all shape. Because the skull is not in my possession, I cannot use tissue markers on this 2 D reconstruction . If I had possession I would photograph the skull with them attached to cross check my results. Much preferred, I would not use them totally for a couple reasons. One being that they obscure my view of the bone surface where I believe that there are many clues of effect. A second reason is that all people have varying skin thicknesses and I intend to have the end report cover more than one possibility. I am careful to have a scale included in every view to aid in my interpretations of skin thickness.